Publications for the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources

See publications of Dr. B.C. Posadas in horticulture and marine resource economics (Please note that the LINKS to all MAFES publications have been changed  to 


  1. Economic Impacts of Oyster Aquaculture Production in Mississippi

  2. Economic Impacts of Speckled Trout Endorsement Plan in Mississippi

  3. Economic Impacts of Time-Temperature Requirement of Vibrio Risk Management Plan in Mississippi

  4. Economic Impacts of Red Snapper Stock Enhancement Program

  5. Economic Impacts of the Opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway to the Mississippi Oyster Fishing Sector


  1. Posadas, Benedict C. Economic Impacts of the Seafood Industry. Project website.

  2. **Posadas, Benedict C. 2018. Economic Contributions of the Mississippi Seafood Industry by Major Species in 2015.  MSU Extension Publication 3194 and Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Publication MASGP-17-070. Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

  3. **Posadas, Benedict C. 2014. Economic Impacts of the Mississippi Seafood Industry in the Year 2009 by Major Species. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1209, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

  4. Posadas, Benedict C. 2013. Economic Impacts of the Mississippi Seafood Industry in the Year 2009 by Major Species. Final report submitted to the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Biloxi, Mississippi.

  5. **Posadas, Benedict C. 2009. 2007 Economic Impacts of the Mississippi Shrimp Industry. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station PublicationNo. O-11661, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

  6. **Posadas, Benedict C. 2009. 2007 Economic Impacts of the Mississippi Oyster Industry. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station PublicationNo. O-11660, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

  7. Posadas, B.C. 2000. Economic Impact of Seafood Harvesting, Processing and Distribution in Mississippi: 1991, 1994, 1997. Unpublished report submitted to the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources. Mississippi State University, Coastal Research and Extension Center, Mississippi Sea Grant Extension Program, Biloxi, Mississippi.

  8. MSU-CREC. 1991. Preliminary Report on the Economic Impact of the Mississippi Seafood Industry. Unpublished report submitted to the Performance Evaluation Review Committee of the Mississippi Legislature. Mississippi State University, Coastal Research and Extension Center, Biloxi, Mississippi.


  1. **Posadas, Benedict C. 2016. Socioeconomic Characteristics of Mississippi Lifetime Sportsmen Licensed in 1989-2013. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1222, Mississippi State, Mississippi.  

  2. **Posadas, Benedict C. and Amanda K. Seymour. 2015. Socio-economic Characteristics of Mississippi Lifetime Sportsmen. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1211, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

  3. Posadas, Benedict C., and Amanda K. Seymour. 2012. Survey of Saltwater Recreational Fishing Preferences of Mississippi Lifetime Sportsmen. Final report submitted to the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Biloxi, Mississippi.


  1. **Posadas, Benedict C., Amanda K. Seymour and Ruth A. Posadas. 2016. Survey of Seafood Products Handled by Mississippi Restaurants. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1219, Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

  2. Posadas, Benedict C., and Amanda K. Seymour. 2012. Survey of Seafood Products Handled by Mississippi Restaurants. Final report submitted to the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Biloxi, Mississippi.


  1. Posadas, Benedict C. 2019. Economic Impacts of Coastal Hazards on Mississippi Commercial Oyster Fishery from 2005 to 2016. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics. Vol. 6: Issue 1, Article 10. DOI:

  2. Posadas, Benedict C. 2019. Commercial Shrimp Fishery Impacts of the Protracted Opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway. Horticulture and Marine Economics Blog. 

  3. Posadas, Benedict C. 2019. Commercial Blue Crab Fishery Impacts of the Extended Opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway. Horticulture and Marine Economics Blog.

  4. Posadas, Benedict C. 2019. Commercial Oyster Fishery Impacts of the Protracted Opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway. Horticulture and Marine Economics Blog. 

  5. Posadas, Benedict C., and Benedict Kit A. Posadas, Jr. Direct Employment Impacts of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill to Mississippi Seafood and Marine-related Sectors. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin, Mississippi State, Mississippi. In review.

  6. **Posadas, Benedict C., and Benedict Kit A. Posadas, Jr. 2017. Economic Impacts of the Opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway to the Mississippi Oyster Fishery. Journal of Food Distribution Society, 48(1). 42-45. 

  7. **Posadas, Benedict C., and Benedict Kit A. Posadas, Jr. 2017. Economic Impacts of the Opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway to the Mississippi Oyster FisheryMississippi State University Extension Service publication 2846- and Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant publication MASGP-11-041. Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

  8. Posadas, Benedict C., and Benedict Kit A. Posadas, Jr. 2016. Economic Impacts of the Opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway to the Mississippi Oyster Fishery. Abstract submitted to the 2016 Food Distribution Research Society Annual Conference. New Orleans Marriott at the Convention Center, 859 Convention Center Blvd, New Orleans, Louisiana.

  9. **Posadas, Benedict CEconomic Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill to Mississippi Seafood and Commercial and Recreational Fishing Sectors in the Year 2010. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1218, Mississippi State, Mississippi. 

  10. Posadas, Benedict C., and Benedict Kit A. Posadas. 2014. Direct Employment Impacts of Commercial Fishing in Mississippi Coastal Counties. 2001-2013. Horticulture and Marine Economics Working Paper Series. Mississippi State University, Coastal Research and Extension Center, Biloxi, Mississippi.

  11. **Posadas, Benedict C., and Benedict Kit A. Posadas, Jr. 2013. License and Size Profiles of Mississippi Seafood, and Commercial and Recreational Fishing Sectors.  Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1206, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

  12. **Posadas, Benedict C., and Benedict Kit A. Posadas, Jr. 2013. Estimation of the Baseline for the Assessment of the Economic Impacts of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill to the Mississippi Commercial Fishing Sector. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1204, Mississippi State, Mississippi.  

  13. Posadas, Benedict C. 2012. Economic Impacts of the Opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway to the Mississippi Oyster Fishery. Final report prepared for the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Biloxi, Mississippi.

  14. **Posadas, Benedict C. 2010. Economic Assessment of the Impacts of Hurricane Gustav on Coastal Mississippi Seafood Processors and Dealers, Marinas and Livebait Dealers. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1190, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

  15. **Posadas, Benedict C. 2010. Economic Assessment of the Impacts of Hurricane Katrina on Coastal Mississippi Charter Boats for Hire, Marinas and Livebait Dealers. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1185, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

  16. **Posadas, Benedict C., Ruth A. Posadas, and William S. Perret. 2008. Estimating Economic Damages to Mississippi Commercial and Recreational Fishing Industries From Hurricane Katrina. In pages 131-144 Katherine McLaughlin (ed). Mitigating Impacts of Natural Hazards of Fishery Ecosystems. American Fisheries Society Symposium 64, Bethesda, Maryland.

  17. **Posadas, Benedict C. 2008. Economic Assessment of the Impacts of Hurricane Katrina on Mississippi Commercial Fishing Fleet. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1165, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

  18. **Posadas, Benedict C. 2007. Economic Assessment of the Impacts of Hurricane Katrina on Mississippi Seafood Processing Plants and Dealers. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Information Bulletin 435. Mississippi State, Mississippi.

  19. Posadas, Benedict C.  and Ruth A. Posadas.  2006.  Assessment of the Impacts of Katrina on Mississippi Commercial and Recreational Fisheries. Proceedings of the 13th Biennial International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade's ConferencePortsmouth, United Kingdom.a


  1. **Posadas, Benedict C., Ruth A. Posadas, and Linda S. Andrews. 2011. Consumer Preferences for Postharvest Processed Raw Oyster Products in Southern California. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1194, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

  2. **Posadas, Benedict C., and Linda S. Andrews. 2011. Consumer Preferences for Irradiated Oysters. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1193, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

  3. **Posadas, Benedict C., And Ruth A. Posadas. 2011. Consumer Preferences for Postharvest Processed Raw Oyster Products in Coastal Mississippi. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1192, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

  4. **Posadas, Benedict C. 2010. Economic Alternatives for Gulf of Mexico Oyster Processing Sector. Proceedings of the Special Symposium: Setting the Agenda for Food Marketing and Economics Research. 2010 Annual Conference (October 19, 2010). Co-Sponsored by: The Agribusiness, Food, & Consumer Economics Research Center (AFCERC) and the Food Distribution Research Society (FDRS).

  5. Posadas, Benedict C., and Ruth A. Posadas. 2004. Economic Models of Postharvest Processing Systems for Raw Oyster Products in the Gulf of Mexico States. Final report submitted to the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Biloxi, Mississippi.

  6. Hanson, Terrill, Lisa House, S. Sureshwaran, Benedict Posadas and Angel Liu. 2003.Opinions of U.S. Consumers Toward Oysters: Results of A 2000-2001 Survey. Bulletin 1133, Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

  7. **Posadas, Benedict C., David D. Burrage, Jurij Homziak, and C. David Veal. 1993.Comparative Enterprise Budgets for Oyster Relaying in Mississippi. Cooperative Extension Service Publication 1848 and Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Publication Number 90-033. Mississippi State, Mississippi.

  8. Posadas, Benedict C., David D. Burrage, Jurij Homziak, and C. D. Veal. 1992. Oyster Relaying Enterprise Budgets. In The Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Coastal Society, 13: 565-571.

  9. Burrage, D., B. Posadas, and C. D. Veal. 1991. Revitalizing a Northern Gulf Fishery: Costs Versus Benefits of Relaying Oysters. Technical report submitted to the National Coastal Resources Research and Development Institute, Newport, Oregon.

  10. Burrage, D., B. Posadas, and C. D. Veal. 1991. Revitalizing a Northern Gulf Fishery: Costs Versus Benefits of Relaying Oysters. National Coastal Resources Research and Development Institute Publication No. NCRI-W-91-007, Newport, Oregon.


  1. MSU-CREC. 1999. Waste Management Options For Mississippi Shrimp Processors. Mississippi State University, Coastal Research and Extension Center, Biloxi, Mississippi. 


  1. Burrage, D., C. Hollomon and B. C. Posadas. 2000. Mississippi Coastal Recreational Boating Access: Assessment and Projected Needs. Final report submitted to the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Biloxi, Mississippi.

  2. MSU-CREC. 1999. Assessment of Iberville Drive Boat Launch Facility. Final report submitted to the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Biloxi, Mississippi.

See publications of Dr. B.C. Posadas in horticulture and marine resource economics (Please note that the LINKS to all MAFES publications have been changed to 

  1. Aquaculture Economics and Marketing 

  2. Fisheries Economics and Marketing 

  3. Horticulture Economics and Marketing 

  4. Natural and Technological Disasters 

  5. Mississippi Department of Marine Resources 

  6. Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Extension

  7. MAFES and MSUES Publications 

  8. Working Papers in Marine Economics